‘Birds of the same feather flock together’
A very well-known and proven dictum that was experienced once again by us.
It was quite overwhelming when the District Governor (Year 2020-21) of District 3142 Dr. Sandeep Kadam handed over the responsibility of forming a new Cause Based Club to New Club Advisor, Rtn. Dilip Madiwale. Rtn. Dilip himself holds lot of interest in Indian music. He instantly agreed to it and accepted the challenge.
And then began the journey…it was not really easy. The pandemic had hit the globe; the economy was dwindling…in such an adverse situation, when retaining the existing members was itself a challenge, chartering new members was a bigger challenge. But bigger the challenge more is the urge to conquer it and bigger challenge means brighter opportunities. So keeping an eye on the silver lining of the cloud the work began.
The first step was to decide the cause. We felt that in this technologically advanced world, somewhere the cultural ethos which are the roots, foundation of any society are weakening. The time has come to once again remind all about the rich cultural heritage of our nation. Hence, the cause decided was Art and Culture. And then the people following the same passion, who believed in retaining and strengthening the art and culture of India were brought together. They all readily agreed to work for this cause due to their passionate love for art and culture. Thus the first ever Cause Based Club of District 3142 was formed.
The club will be working on the same principal of Rotary…service above self! Community service through various projects pertaining to art and culture will be our focus. The artists who are lost in the crowd and leading anonymous lives; the students who are unable to pursue their passion due to lack of funds; the soldiers who are in sorry states will be our focus. Simultaneously, retaining the cultural heritage is our aim. The folklores and the folk art is vanishing. The young generation is barely exposed to it. Inviting these folk artists and providing platform to them will surely help them sustain and survive. Celebrating different festivals in the society under the banner of Rotary will surely help retain our cultural heritage.
Thus, the Rotary Club of Thane Connoisseurs, the first Cause based club of District 3142 aims to work for this cause. As the name suggests, the charter members of this club are true connoisseurs who appreciate and respect all forms of art. They themselves are good singers, dancers, painters, story tellers, musicians, expert in culinary art, who have lot of passion for art in heart and tremendous sensitivity towards the Indian culture. I am sure, these birds together will soar high and shine like a rainbow making the place around them bright and beautiful.
Looking forward to working with passion and bringing in more members who hold the same passion in their hearts.